Friday, October 3, 2008

Now Hear This

EDIT: Okay, I have just finished the second one, which is the song Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Now, the thing is, it's not really the sound I'm talking about, it's the lyrics. Because I thought that the "Iris" lyrics fit really well with Twilight. And just so you know, these videos took some determination. Even if they are just pictures. I had to re-use some of the pictures on the second one from the first one, because I couldn't find anymore really, but, personally, I think that the second one is better than the first, and my brother agrees. Here:

Here is one of the songs on my pole (it is a very new song, only a couple days since it released). Decode by Paramore (the song is going to be on the soundtrack and in the movie). I made the video that goes to this song, so I would guess that credit goes to me. Here it is:


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