Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Surrouding my own controversies is a huge deal. And I mean literally, like hands out in front, guard the deck, that sort of deal. Most would not know what I'm talk of, but if you really pay close attention, you can decipher this message:

"Irrelevencies in life must all come to close; they must first tread upon the
lives they sought to claim. But, they will not prevail. Inconsistencies
must crack in order to discover, in order to assemble knowledge passed down from
generation to generation. Burdens lie heavily upon the backs of their victims,
they destroy all weak minds in their paths, and only the strong climb through
the torrent with an enhanced mind and heart, but feeble body. Look to something
greater for the wisdom you desire, but look to iniquity for the easy solutions
you require. Nothing will be given you directly; everything must come to you by
giving something first. I tell you, give your soul, but choose wisely who you
give it to."

Listen to what I say!

Listen deeply and you will know...

All will soon be answered.

I know, that sounds really cryptic, but this is supposed to stimulate your brain cells. Think deeply about this, and then e-mail me at chelisawonders@gmail.com.

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