Okay, so I listen to country music (well, mostly) and there is this one song I want everyone to hear. I've heard it a ton of times. It's from Tim McGraw's newest CD, Let it Go, which came out probably over a year ago, but the song finally started playing on the radio and stuff.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A Noble Act
I just had gotten on the internet about forty-five minutes ago, and my internet screensaver is Yahoo! So, when I saw something about Hillary Clinton, at first I wasn't all that interested because I'm not into politics really. Then I read that "The anticipation over Sen. Hillary Clinton's speech Tuesday night was as high as her pantsuit was orange."
So, I read some more, and I got this from http://www.npr.org/: "Hillary Clinton is urging all of her supporters to get behind Barack Obama. In a prime-time speech Tuesday night at the Democratic National Convention, Clinton told the delegates, "No way, no how, no McCain." That line drew applause from Obama, who was watching with supporters in Montana."
I was intrugued more, so I checked out the speech. And, I have to admit, it's pretty moving. It got me listening.
Click here to listen to Hillary Clinton's speech.
I wanted Hillary to be in the running for president because of her talk about healthcare, and providing more for our country. But, even though she dropped out of the race, I do support Barack Obama, because I believe he could lead us somewhere different that where Bush led us. I'm not very good at politics, like I told you, because I never really listened to them, so, this Hillary Clinton thing was more about interest, and I wanted to share it.
So, I read some more, and I got this from http://www.npr.org/: "Hillary Clinton is urging all of her supporters to get behind Barack Obama. In a prime-time speech Tuesday night at the Democratic National Convention, Clinton told the delegates, "No way, no how, no McCain." That line drew applause from Obama, who was watching with supporters in Montana."
I was intrugued more, so I checked out the speech. And, I have to admit, it's pretty moving. It got me listening.
Click here to listen to Hillary Clinton's speech.
I wanted Hillary to be in the running for president because of her talk about healthcare, and providing more for our country. But, even though she dropped out of the race, I do support Barack Obama, because I believe he could lead us somewhere different that where Bush led us. I'm not very good at politics, like I told you, because I never really listened to them, so, this Hillary Clinton thing was more about interest, and I wanted to share it.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hey All!
Hey, sorry that I didn't get to my blog sooner. I indeed stuck out the camping trip for the full eight days, and it was very rewarding. What with the crystal clear river waters and the fresh mountain air, I was feeling pretty dandy.
I don't have any pictures (considering I didn't bring my own camera and I forgot to ask to borrow my aunt's memory card from her camera to get the pictures we did manage), but the memory will be in my head. Although, how could it not, because where I went is where I go every year. Call it a tradition. My aunt has been going there for over fifteen years.
It's right by the peninsula. In case anyone doesn't know, I live in Washington, but I'm not willing to locate the specifics. So, anyway, 'twas a long drive to the campsite, and I had to drive the whole way with my aunt's boyfriend, and my aunt's daughter's father. Isn't that strange? I'm pretty sure the two men got over their differences in due time. But, anyway, my cousin's dad, Dan, is pretty strange. Don't get me wrong, he's always been like that, but he's been even worse after my aunt (Jennifer) and him split. It was a long time ago, about two years and a half, but he obviously hasn't banished the weird trait he possessed then.
Anyway! I had to sit in the middle of them, and believe me it was not fun. I tried to play it off cool so I wouldn't offend anyone, but it became a little too...frightening. So, I just tried to drown out everything with the sound of music in a headphone. It was to no avail, because on our journey to the campsite, I remembered that through about half of the drive there was cliff and sea water to one side and a huge mountain to the other. I am scared by Dan's driving, because quite honestly, he doesn't pay attention (he's too wrapped up in his own little world) to the road, instead to everything else. So, I was afraid that I was going to plunge to my death in water. Now, Jennifer's boyfriend (Nathan), is the type who plays practical jokes (so, I have Dan, who is a complete spaz, and Nathan, who is not (very) serious), so he was just laughing about us dying. Oh, God. What a nightmare. I thanked him quite literally when we got to the campsite. Oh! And did I not mention that along the way, Dan picked up two hitchhikers and their dog? I am telling the truth! A woman and a man. I was horrified. Not only was I afraid that I was going to die by being hurdled off of a cliff, but also that some crazy people were going to stab me in the gut. =D.
At the campsite, I helped set up things (my aunt had not arrived yet). My aunt was to bring her friend, Tina, my cousin, Emma, and her two friends, um, I forgot their names. For future reference they will be called friend #1 and friend # 2. I know, cruel, but it would be the only way for you to understand.
And the first night of us sleeping in our tents, it rained! But, no worries. There was just a slight puddle at our door. Emma and I had to sleep together, and lucky for us, the side of the tent we were on [the door] had no zipper (or it was stuck). That explains the "slight" puddle before us. Believe me though, the thing you would rather not have when camping is a muddy mess. And it quite literally sucked that Emma and I had to be the ones by the door because everytime someone came in they would track their muddy feet over our bed (they wouldn't even have the decency to go around). I had to constantly remind Emma's friends to "not step on the bed." Nightmare. Oh, I remember one of Emma's friend's name. Megan. The reason I remember her name is because she was the one who put a stupor over our camping trip (while she was there). She complained constantly about everything, whether it was the food or not getting her way over some matter, after throwing a fit. Her mom may allow her to throw fits and get away with it, but I surely persuade you that that was not the case of her with us. Yes, she did loll about during the camping trip complaining, and saying she missed home, but I don't doubt she had a fun (if not slightly rewarding) trip. But, to our rejoicing....I mean, disappointment, she called her mom and her mom came and picked her up about half way through the camping trip.
Now, I still can't remember the other friend's name, so now that Megan is out of the picture, I'll refer to her as friend # 1. That's somewhat better. But, anyway, friend # 1 wasn't much different than Megan. She wasn't rude per say, but she complained a lot. That put a halt on our camping trip, because she "missed her mom soooo much" and each time she tried calling her mom, she promised her things and never did them.
After friend # 1 left we were able to enjoy the nature: it was beautiful. Pristine waters and mountains in the background. I went the the river a lot, which by the way, was freezing. The water came directly from snow capped mountains. My legs literally went numb. Even on a hot day I couldn't stand to stay in the water. And yet, my cousin plunged into it, and Tina, Jennifer's friend. They are crazy. But, the water was clear as a a mirror. If it weren't for the infected poop that lay at the bottom of the water by animals, I would have...um, drank it. Maybe.
We didn't see much animals, but we did see a bald eagle. I don't think I've ever seen one of those except for on TV.
We visited the peninsula, and went in the water. Oh! While at (I'll say it) Pt. Whitney, we were playing in the sand (and this was when friend 1 and friend 2 were still there), and we dug a huge hole, and covered it with bracken and seaweed, and told Tina to come over to it. The funny part of the whole thing is that Tina watched us make the hole (that we put a bunch of sea water in) and lay everything on top of it, and yet, when we told her to step on it, down she went. She kept on saying "don't you guys sleep tonight. You guys are horrible." Ha! We just laughed. It was one of the funniest things on the trip.
Here is exactly where we were, what Pt. Whitney looks like:

We went to this mountain called Mt. Walker, wanting to look from the view points. The first view point was amazing. You could see everything, and we were so high up. I didn't think we were going to get any higher. But, then we went and checked out view point # 2, and I figured out, to my astonishment, that we were on the very top of the mountain. Yup, we were. On the tippy top. And, so, Nathan, wanting to pull a trick on Emma, told her that, yes, we lived in cougar country, and she should "watch out!" He kept on throwing rocks into the bushes to scare her, and it worked, until she screamed so loud it hurt my ears. That's what you get for doing something you're not supposed to be doing!
This is the view we witnessed from Mt. Walker:

But, anyway, on our way down the mountain, I all of a sudden sang "I'm too sexy for my shirt!" and then (and I was really surprised, because Emma is eight) Emma said, really seductively "I'm too sexy for my body!" and Jennifer was telling her to stop. Then, Jennifer put on this CD, and the first thing I heard was shrill singing. I almost covered my ears. It was a Chipmunk CD. You know, those Alvin and the Chipmunks. God, it was horrible. And the first song that came on was "I'm to sexy for my....." And Emma was singing to it! Trying to get all the high notes they were singing. If I could show you the face I showed right then I would, but I can't.
I forgot to say that all of us found clay by the river bank and we made little objects out of it. It's amazing what ingenuity can do. I made a cross figurine.
But, the last day was probably the best day. Isn't the last always the best? We played at the river pretty much all day, and to my surprise, the water wasn't as cold as it always was! When it started getting dark I noticed something through the trees. It was orange and pink, and so I hurried down to the river, and it was a magnificent sunset! Wow. I took some pictures of it, but as I said above, I didn't get my aunt's memory card. I guess I'll get the memory card sometime, and show you what fun we had! Next time, we're taking a raft. We used an air mattress to float down the river on, and the first one we used got stolen. Raft. They're easier to float down on anyway. And I have one.
Here, I got this from Google. It's kind of where I camped. The peninsula:

I don't have any pictures (considering I didn't bring my own camera and I forgot to ask to borrow my aunt's memory card from her camera to get the pictures we did manage), but the memory will be in my head. Although, how could it not, because where I went is where I go every year. Call it a tradition. My aunt has been going there for over fifteen years.
It's right by the peninsula. In case anyone doesn't know, I live in Washington, but I'm not willing to locate the specifics. So, anyway, 'twas a long drive to the campsite, and I had to drive the whole way with my aunt's boyfriend, and my aunt's daughter's father. Isn't that strange? I'm pretty sure the two men got over their differences in due time. But, anyway, my cousin's dad, Dan, is pretty strange. Don't get me wrong, he's always been like that, but he's been even worse after my aunt (Jennifer) and him split. It was a long time ago, about two years and a half, but he obviously hasn't banished the weird trait he possessed then.
Anyway! I had to sit in the middle of them, and believe me it was not fun. I tried to play it off cool so I wouldn't offend anyone, but it became a little too...frightening. So, I just tried to drown out everything with the sound of music in a headphone. It was to no avail, because on our journey to the campsite, I remembered that through about half of the drive there was cliff and sea water to one side and a huge mountain to the other. I am scared by Dan's driving, because quite honestly, he doesn't pay attention (he's too wrapped up in his own little world) to the road, instead to everything else. So, I was afraid that I was going to plunge to my death in water. Now, Jennifer's boyfriend (Nathan), is the type who plays practical jokes (so, I have Dan, who is a complete spaz, and Nathan, who is not (very) serious), so he was just laughing about us dying. Oh, God. What a nightmare. I thanked him quite literally when we got to the campsite. Oh! And did I not mention that along the way, Dan picked up two hitchhikers and their dog? I am telling the truth! A woman and a man. I was horrified. Not only was I afraid that I was going to die by being hurdled off of a cliff, but also that some crazy people were going to stab me in the gut. =D.
At the campsite, I helped set up things (my aunt had not arrived yet). My aunt was to bring her friend, Tina, my cousin, Emma, and her two friends, um, I forgot their names. For future reference they will be called friend #1 and friend # 2. I know, cruel, but it would be the only way for you to understand.
And the first night of us sleeping in our tents, it rained! But, no worries. There was just a slight puddle at our door. Emma and I had to sleep together, and lucky for us, the side of the tent we were on [the door] had no zipper (or it was stuck). That explains the "slight" puddle before us. Believe me though, the thing you would rather not have when camping is a muddy mess. And it quite literally sucked that Emma and I had to be the ones by the door because everytime someone came in they would track their muddy feet over our bed (they wouldn't even have the decency to go around). I had to constantly remind Emma's friends to "not step on the bed." Nightmare. Oh, I remember one of Emma's friend's name. Megan. The reason I remember her name is because she was the one who put a stupor over our camping trip (while she was there). She complained constantly about everything, whether it was the food or not getting her way over some matter, after throwing a fit. Her mom may allow her to throw fits and get away with it, but I surely persuade you that that was not the case of her with us. Yes, she did loll about during the camping trip complaining, and saying she missed home, but I don't doubt she had a fun (if not slightly rewarding) trip. But, to our rejoicing....I mean, disappointment, she called her mom and her mom came and picked her up about half way through the camping trip.
Now, I still can't remember the other friend's name, so now that Megan is out of the picture, I'll refer to her as friend # 1. That's somewhat better. But, anyway, friend # 1 wasn't much different than Megan. She wasn't rude per say, but she complained a lot. That put a halt on our camping trip, because she "missed her mom soooo much" and each time she tried calling her mom, she promised her things and never did them.
After friend # 1 left we were able to enjoy the nature: it was beautiful. Pristine waters and mountains in the background. I went the the river a lot, which by the way, was freezing. The water came directly from snow capped mountains. My legs literally went numb. Even on a hot day I couldn't stand to stay in the water. And yet, my cousin plunged into it, and Tina, Jennifer's friend. They are crazy. But, the water was clear as a a mirror. If it weren't for the infected poop that lay at the bottom of the water by animals, I would have...um, drank it. Maybe.
We didn't see much animals, but we did see a bald eagle. I don't think I've ever seen one of those except for on TV.
We visited the peninsula, and went in the water. Oh! While at (I'll say it) Pt. Whitney, we were playing in the sand (and this was when friend 1 and friend 2 were still there), and we dug a huge hole, and covered it with bracken and seaweed, and told Tina to come over to it. The funny part of the whole thing is that Tina watched us make the hole (that we put a bunch of sea water in) and lay everything on top of it, and yet, when we told her to step on it, down she went. She kept on saying "don't you guys sleep tonight. You guys are horrible." Ha! We just laughed. It was one of the funniest things on the trip.
Here is exactly where we were, what Pt. Whitney looks like:
We went to this mountain called Mt. Walker, wanting to look from the view points. The first view point was amazing. You could see everything, and we were so high up. I didn't think we were going to get any higher. But, then we went and checked out view point # 2, and I figured out, to my astonishment, that we were on the very top of the mountain. Yup, we were. On the tippy top. And, so, Nathan, wanting to pull a trick on Emma, told her that, yes, we lived in cougar country, and she should "watch out!" He kept on throwing rocks into the bushes to scare her, and it worked, until she screamed so loud it hurt my ears. That's what you get for doing something you're not supposed to be doing!
This is the view we witnessed from Mt. Walker:
But, anyway, on our way down the mountain, I all of a sudden sang "I'm too sexy for my shirt!" and then (and I was really surprised, because Emma is eight) Emma said, really seductively "I'm too sexy for my body!" and Jennifer was telling her to stop. Then, Jennifer put on this CD, and the first thing I heard was shrill singing. I almost covered my ears. It was a Chipmunk CD. You know, those Alvin and the Chipmunks. God, it was horrible. And the first song that came on was "I'm to sexy for my....." And Emma was singing to it! Trying to get all the high notes they were singing. If I could show you the face I showed right then I would, but I can't.
I forgot to say that all of us found clay by the river bank and we made little objects out of it. It's amazing what ingenuity can do. I made a cross figurine.
But, the last day was probably the best day. Isn't the last always the best? We played at the river pretty much all day, and to my surprise, the water wasn't as cold as it always was! When it started getting dark I noticed something through the trees. It was orange and pink, and so I hurried down to the river, and it was a magnificent sunset! Wow. I took some pictures of it, but as I said above, I didn't get my aunt's memory card. I guess I'll get the memory card sometime, and show you what fun we had! Next time, we're taking a raft. We used an air mattress to float down the river on, and the first one we used got stolen. Raft. They're easier to float down on anyway. And I have one.
Here, I got this from Google. It's kind of where I camped. The peninsula:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Last Day for Schedules
Okay, so this is the last day I'm gone, or guessing that I'm right on this, I got home yesterday or the day before. I'm just playing it safe and doing this for eight days. Because my dad DID say that the trip was EIGHT days.
So, here's one final video. ENJOY!
And EMAIL me!
Chelisa (oh, I'm back. You'll get you listen to my ranting even more! Yay!)
So, here's one final video. ENJOY!
And EMAIL me!
Chelisa (oh, I'm back. You'll get you listen to my ranting even more! Yay!)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Day 7 (almost there)
Just hug yourself. Go on. Give yourself a huuuuge hug! That way, when no one else will touch you, you won't feel so lonely. Gah! I'm sorry! I am HUNGRY! And there seems to be no survival food in my wretched house. Did I just say wretched? I am going craaaaazy.
Anywho, here is the fabulous 6th video.........beware of...weird things.
Chelisa (no emails today?)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Day # 6 (I think)
I'm just going to skip through all the gory details. Here is the video of something and something and something! Gah! Can I get my food now!?
Chelisa (if you don't email me I will bite your head off; just kidding. I am hungry though...)
Chelisa (if you don't email me I will bite your head off; just kidding. I am hungry though...)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Vid...I Mean, Day # 5
Oh my Gosh, this is eating me up, literally. I am starving right now. Oh, and this is "really" the fifth day of me going camping. But, you all know that these posts are scheduled so I can't say anything about my trip....except, that I can't pay attention to writing these things, because I am starving. Is there any food around here?
Now, if you could put this little guy (or big guy; whatever you view point is) on a pizza or make some tomato sauce for pasta, that would be great! Come here, little guy, I won't hurt you (maybe)!
Anywaaaaaaaays, here is the fifth video you all have been dying to get your hands on, and I am just dying to get my hands on a candy bar!
Chelisa (where are your emails?)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Day # 4
It is day # 4 on my camping trip, and I am most likely by a river, or in the river, on a floating mattress, coasting down the river, being caught on tape by my aunt's boyfriend, falling off of said mattress, and getting ALL wet. What fun!
My hands are shaking while I'm writing this (even though it has nothing to do with excitement or anything like that; it's just because I'm hungry, and I'm low on blood sugar), and I am getting antsy.
So, here is the 4th video (not of said falling off of mattress, people! Gosh!)
Chelisa (e-mail me; chelisawonders@gmail.com, and look at all the movie stills I made in recent posts! Please?)
My hands are shaking while I'm writing this (even though it has nothing to do with excitement or anything like that; it's just because I'm hungry, and I'm low on blood sugar), and I am getting antsy.
So, here is the 4th video (not of said falling off of mattress, people! Gosh!)
Chelisa (e-mail me; chelisawonders@gmail.com, and look at all the movie stills I made in recent posts! Please?)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Day # 3
It is day 3 on my camping trip, and I am supposedly having a grand time. Make sure to check out all the previous posts on Tools and Jewels to keep you occupied until I get back. Just to let everyone know I am typing all these posts about my camping trip on 8/8/08, so this is scheduled. Hopefully Rachel has done something, but it's not her responsibility, so, I can't expect anything, really.
Technically, if you think about it, I am a figment of your imagination, because right before this posted, I didn't write it. It came out of nowhere, right? Whatever...
Here is that 3rd video you all wanted to watch sooo bad.
Chelisa (e-mail me! I want a bunch of emails when I get home!)
Technically, if you think about it, I am a figment of your imagination, because right before this posted, I didn't write it. It came out of nowhere, right? Whatever...
Here is that 3rd video you all wanted to watch sooo bad.
Chelisa (e-mail me! I want a bunch of emails when I get home!)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Day # 2
It is day 2 on my camping trip. These posts are scheduled, so I can't say anything about my time at the camping trip. Hopefully Rachel has or will post something interesting.
Okay here's another video (again, from Angel)
Chelisa (email me at chelisawonders@gmail.com)
Okay here's another video (again, from Angel)
Chelisa (email me at chelisawonders@gmail.com)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My Trip Has Begun
I've scheduled some posts so you can count down the days until my return from my trip. Did you know that I actually had no intention of going camping (even though I love it)? I was forced. Yes, FORCED. But, I can't really complain, can I? I bet that once I'm here, which I am now, I will/do love it.
Here is a funny video to entertain yourself (I will post one video each time). All of the videos are related to the show Buffy and Angel.
Here is a funny video to entertain yourself (I will post one video each time). All of the videos are related to the show Buffy and Angel.
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Great Wilderness
I'm leaving for a camping trip today that will last eight days, and I don't want everyone to go without something for eight days, so I've asked my friend, Rachel, to put up some posts while I'm gone. Now, I don't know if she'll actually do it, but it's hoping, right? I've given her full access to my password and everything else, so don't get all scared.
She goes by....Rachel. Hopefully. I'll try to schedule some things.
Chelisa (email chelisawonders@gmail.com)
She goes by....Rachel. Hopefully. I'll try to schedule some things.
Chelisa (email chelisawonders@gmail.com)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Pre Couple
So, as you can see below, I captured screen shots of Pride and Prejudice, and now I have done some for A Walk to Remember, both being two of my favorite movies. These stills are before the main characters become a "couple." (Just to let everyone know, these stills and the stills in the recent posts are not in any particular order to the films progress, so, yeah.) Here:

The main character(s): Landon Carter, Jamie Sullivan

-picture # 6 -picture # 7 -picture # 8
-picture # 9 -picture # 10 -picture # 11
-picture # 12 -picture # 13 -picture # 14
Chelisa (EMAIL!)
The main character(s): Landon Carter, Jamie Sullivan
-picture # 6 -picture # 7 -picture # 8
-picture # 9 -picture # 10 -picture # 11
-picture # 12 -picture # 13 -picture # 14
Chelisa (EMAIL!)
Some More!
Okay, I have promised some more stills (and I still have more to make, so this is not all of them). This is what the pictures look like:

Click for picture # 2 NEW!
-picture # 3 -picture # 13
-picture # 4 -picture # 14
-picture # 5 -picture # 15
-picture # 6 -picture # 16
-picture # 7 -picture # 17
-picture # 8 -picture # 18
-picture # 9 -picture # 19
-picture # 10 -picture # 20
-picture # 11 -picture # 21
-picture # 12 -picture # 22
-picture # 23
-picture # 24
-picture # 25
-picture # 26
-picture # 27
-picture # 28
Chelisa (e-mail me at chelisawonders@gmail.com with any questions about the pics)
Click for picture # 2 NEW!
-picture # 3 -picture # 13
-picture # 4 -picture # 14
-picture # 5 -picture # 15
-picture # 6 -picture # 16
-picture # 7 -picture # 17
-picture # 8 -picture # 18
-picture # 9 -picture # 19
-picture # 10 -picture # 20
-picture # 11 -picture # 21
-picture # 12 -picture # 22
-picture # 23
-picture # 24
-picture # 25
-picture # 26
-picture # 27
-picture # 28
Chelisa (e-mail me at chelisawonders@gmail.com with any questions about the pics)
Pride and Prejudice
I just absolutely love Jane Austen and all of her books, and so, I just absolutely love the movie Pride and Prejudice. I've made a couple movie stills for you (yes, I WAS the one who made them, so you could only get them from me). I'll have some more later!

Miss Caroline Bingley and Mr. Fitzwillian Darcy

Mr. Darcy at the Netherfield ball (dance)

Mr. Darcy asking Elizabeth Bennett to dance

About to dance (how lovely)

Chelisa (e-mail me!!!)
Miss Caroline Bingley and Mr. Fitzwillian Darcy
Mr. Darcy at the Netherfield ball (dance)
Mr. Darcy asking Elizabeth Bennett to dance
About to dance (how lovely)
Chelisa (e-mail me!!!)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Update #.....er, 3?
Hey, guys! Sorry it's been a while since I've added something. I just went on a trip to the beach and I forgot to say something. It was kind of rush time. But, anyway, I'm still reeling from the release of Breaking Dawn. It is definitely up there on my favorite books list, now that I'm pretty much done with it.
I will take the "Book to Consider of the Week" down as soon as I can. I have to write a new "article" first, before I do that, so....thanks!
Chelisa (e-mail me!)
I will take the "Book to Consider of the Week" down as soon as I can. I have to write a new "article" first, before I do that, so....thanks!
Chelisa (e-mail me!)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Hey, this is a video made a looooong time ago, it has all members of The Macaroni Noodle in it, except it was for a blog called The Talking Llama, and that all ended in a bust. But, I thought I would like to show this to you as a funny token. Enjoy!
E-mail me here.
E-mail me here.
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